Course Update 9/11/23

Greens are in excellent condition going into Fall.

Bunker renovation is on track to be completed by October 1st, if not a little earlier.

August rain has significantly helped with the overall condition of fairways and tees. We’re very healthy and lush right now. We’re adopting the most aggressive chemical program we can create for the treatment of 8 fairway for this winter’s fungus season. Obviously our hope is to reduce winter damage so that we can start every season off with strong turf. We have consulted with a couple of different doctorates in turf fungus and we continue to be a host site for the testing of the most current chemicals and chemical combinations.

Now that bunker renovation will be complete and we can clean the course up and get all of those areas back into shape, we need to continue to think about how much effort and money we want to put into poa eradication of the fairways and tees for next season. We’re definitely reaching a tipping point where eradication becomes more improbable with each additional season. We’ve been very successful with keeping poa out of our bentgrass greens through a combination of spraying PoaCure on the worst 6 greens and doing a tremendous amount of plugwork on the rest. For fairways and tees, plugwork is not an option. The beginning of 1 fairway would be an example of the concentration we’re headed towards. We will present an updated poa plan and cost to go into effect for the 2024 season upon Board approval.