COVID-19 Iron Horse Golf Club Golf Course Etiquette

  • No Guest Policy
    • A no guest policy will also be enforced until further notice. Only primary members, immediate family, and extended family will be permitted on Club property. This pertains to all Club facilities and amenities, including the Golf Course and Practice Facility. Please understand that inviting guests further exposes staff and members to another population set. If and when things change, we will modify this policy.
  • Tee Times: While we normally embrace members having the option to play with or without tee times, in order to maintain social distancing and ensure we can adequately accommodate members, we ask that you do make tee times at this time. The following adjustments will be made for those tee times:
    • Tee times will be scheduled in 20-minute intervals, can be made up to two weeks in advance
    • The course will open Saturday, May 9
    • The first tee time each day will be at 8am
    • All play will commence from the first tee unless directed by a golf professional
    • All member privileges/rules will remain the same. For example, in May and June, a Primary Member must host groups before 11am
    • Please call the Golf Shop at 406.863.3118 to make tee times (beginning Monday, April 27)
  • Arrival at the Club
    • The valet team will provide information to our members throughout the day
    • To avoid any contamination, our usual valet services will not be available. This includes car parking, golf bag handling, car washes, etc.
  • Cart Usage and Club Storage
    • All players are to ride one person per cart
    • Players may share a cart if they live in the same household
    • During this time, we kindly ask our members who own private golf carts registered for golf to use them, so we can ensure we have sufficient club carts available
    • Carts will be available in the usual cart staging area o Carts will be sanitized with COVID-19-specific disinfectant before your use
    • The staff will retrieve your clubs from the club storage room and place them in staging
    • Members will be asked to load their own clubs on their cart
    • Please let us know any additional items we can provide for you in your cart prior to play
  • Practice Facility
    • Open from 7:30am-8pm daily
    • Stations will be spread farther apart than normal to aid in social distancing
    • The restrooms in the amenities building will be available for use, but all other amenities will remain closed
  • On-Course
    • A golf professional will meet members at the first tee and coordinate all play
    • Please maintain proper social distancing within your group, including tee boxes and greens
    • The flagstick must be kept in the holes at all times
    • A foam insert is in each hole so a ball can be “holed” and facilitate safe removal
  • After Golf
    • Please return your cart to the cart staging area
    • Please help us remove the trash in your cart to avoid cross-contamination from your personally consumed items
    • Carts will be sanitized with COVID-19-specific disinfectant after your use
    • To post scores to the handicap system, please use one of the following options:
      • Post on your phone using the MSGA App
      • Have a clearly written scorecard with player name(s), tees played, and scores in the designated area for our professionals to post on your behalf o To store your clubs here, please leave them on the cart and our staff will safely handle
  • Golf Shop
    • The Golf Shop will open daily beginning May 9 from 7am – 8pm
    • Proper social distancing is highly encouraged and sanitation measures will be taken
    • If you are more comfortable shopping from offsite, we encourage you to call 406.863.3118 for the amenities you need. We want to be as creative as we can to help you, including shop with you over the phone or through FaceTime. Please just let us know how we can help you best.